Content uniformity testing – on point
Content uniformity testing – on point Sample in answer out – This is how accroma improves your content uniformity testing Varying sample weights and deviations in dosing and pipetting always lead to fluctuations in the final sample concentration. We have tackled...
Distribution USA
Distribution USA Archer Science, the new Distributor for North America accroma is happy to announce that Archer Science is the new distributor and representative for North America, effective January 1, 2021. A demo lab is available at their facility with accroma...
New accroma platform
New accroma platform New accroma platform gone live! Our mission – simple but powerful! Direct access to relevant information Training that fits your schedule Become part of the community and exchange experiences Everything as easy as building a workflow –...
New intern starts at accroma labtec
New intern starts at accroma labtec We are pleased to welcome Irene Näf to our team for her Bachelor thesis Irene will complete her Bachelor’s thesis with us over a period of six months. Among other things, she will carry out experiments on the accuracy of the...