Presentation of the new accroma 2.0 in Birmingham
Presentation of the new accroma 2.0 at LabInnovations in Brimingham
The presentation of the new accroma 2.0 with the new accrolab software at LabInnovations was a great success. The big interest all the way from R&D to QC showed clearly that there is real need for automated sample preparation. The world has moved to faster lc and the bottleneck in laboratories all over the world today is samplprep.

At the booth K10 from uvison technologies, our UK and Ireland distributor, we showed two accroma 2.0 sampleprep robots and had the chance to introduce the new user interface. You had also the chance to see other innovative technologies such as products from LNI Swissgas, ChromaCon AG and Labindia Analytical Instruments.